



Welcome to your GE Education Center. We have assigned you a number of training programs to assist you in your continued professional development.

If you have any questions about the courses you have been assigned please don't hesitate to ask for assistance. We recognized that you are making an investment of time to complete the training that has been assigned to you.

ALERT NOTIFICATION – You have 6 months from the date you are Activated to complete all courses. If all courses are not completed within 6 months your account will be Deactivated. It will be necessary for you to be reassigned and you will have to begin again. In order to be reassigned please contact Kevin Terry (256-476-6351) or kevin.terry@geappliances.com)

For technical support, such as difficulty accessing any of the site pages, Click here to contact
Aptility Support

To be sure your course registers COMPLETED...
1. Please try to use Chrome as the browser, not IE
2. Exit the course as instructed, don’t just close the window.
3. Refresh your page after you have completed and closed a course.

If you are a returning user, welcome back!


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Copyright 2012 Certilearn, Inc. powered by Aptility